Writing on media, tech, entrepreneurship and products.

This is my old blog which I don't really update much anymore. I do love paging through the old archives, perhaps you will too.

YouTube my back, I’ll YouTube yours

While that video conference last week wasn’t that productive, I did get a chance to meet an interesting entrepreneur who shared a great story with me (and hopefully he doesn’t mind me sharing it here). He runs Diet.com, a great URL and a community site targeted at–you guessed it–dieters. The site has lots of features, […]

Which conferences / meetups / unconferences should I attend?

As I mentioned, I’m trying to get out more and hit a few more confereces. I see it as a good chance to meet people and maybe learn a thing or two. However, I always find it hard to decide which ones to go to (I’m not one of those perennial conference-goers). So far, I’m […]

When a conference goes horribly wrong…

I’ve been wanting to get out and attend more conferences lately. I’m not usually a big fan of conferences, but I’ve been feeling like I want to meet more/new people and hear different perspectives on things. So, my coworker Mike and I attended Clickz’s Video Advertising conference today. This is clearly a field that isn’t […]

I’m hiring (or more accurately, we’re hiring)

You may have seen the notes from Daniel, Chad, Bradley or Jeremy, but our part of Yahoo is hiring (like crazy) and we’re looking for the best and brightest to come join our team. As you may remember, I run a group called Advanced Products at Yahoo!, and I’m lucky enough to be in the […]

Dusting off the blog…

So ever since I started this new job, I’ve been very bad at posting to my blog. It’s partially because what I’ve been working on isn’t always ready to share with you all and its partially because I’ve been busier than normal lately. I’ve been to India three times in the last few months, travelled […]

MyBlogLog as a conversation starter…

It’s all the buzz around the blogosphere, but we acquired MyBlogLog. I’ve known about this for months and I’m excited that it is finally done and announced. Bradley has a great post about it as did many, many people. As a blogger, I love this concept. It’s a great way to see who’s come by […]

Palm 750 – I’ve been using it since October

Today I stumbled across the announcement of the new Palm Treo 750. Back in October, I asked our mobile team here for a Windows Mobile phone to do some testing. Their response “oh, here’s one take it”. It was a Treo 750. While I love gadgets, I hadn’t read about the 750, so I didn’t […]

New Year’s Resolution? Feedburner’s new site stats

Ok, so I’ve fallen off the blogging bandwagon. One of my New Year’s Resolutions (apart from losing weight, visiting my mom & dad more, spending more quality time at home) is to blog again. Since I took my new job, I’ve really stopped writing and I want to fix that. I’ve got a lot of […]

Open Hack Day & Beck

Originally uploaded by bitmapr. So hack day is on and I definately felt that spirit in the air. After a day of amazing sessions about our APIs and UI framework, everyone gathered in URLs (our cafe) to have pizza, meet each other and start hacking. I met lots of interesting people and the place was […]

The Spirit of Hack Day

Two weeks ago, Yahoo held its quarterly internal hack day. Today Yahoo! holds its first Open Hack Day. The first I ever heard about a hack day was from Ken and the Jotspot guys. They had a hack day to have some fun and work on something that wasn’t on their normal “to-do list”. It […]