New Yahoo! Shortcuts plugin

One of my favorite features of Yahoo! Mail is that little hover that shows a map when you mouseover an address. There are bunch of those actions and in most cases they make Mail more useful. Now there’s a way to add those things to your blog. The new Yahoo! Shortcuts plugin for wordpress helps […]

Dusting off the blog…

So ever since I started this new job, I’ve been very bad at posting to my blog. It’s partially because what I’ve been working on isn’t always ready to share with you all and its partially because I’ve been busier than normal lately. I’ve been to India three times in the last few months, travelled […]

New Year’s Resolution? Feedburner’s new site stats

Ok, so I’ve fallen off the blogging bandwagon. One of my New Year’s Resolutions (apart from losing weight, visiting my mom & dad more, spending more quality time at home) is to blog again. Since I took my new job, I’ve really stopped writing and I want to fix that. I’ve got a lot of […]

Now that I’ve got that off my chest…

Well, the votes are in and it was unanimous.   You all want to see more of “angry Scott”. The funny thing is that now that I vented a little, I’m all better.   No real desire to rant on this blog right now.   I think A-list bloggers have gotten too bitchy and its wearing on me.  […]

WordPress + Yahoo!

Seems like a busy day today, but I’m psyched that we can finally talk about the news about WordPress and Yahoo! Web Hosting. Matt Mullenweg (creator of WordPress) announces the WordPress on Yahoo deal. What this means is that if you sign up for Yahoo! Web Hosting, you can now get WordPress in a one-click […]

Nonsense Comment Spam

Ok, so I so kinda understand why people would spam blog comments. They hope to drive traffic to their site by either increasing pagerank or getting people to click on the links. But in the last few weeks, I’ve been getting tons of very similar comment spam. They all come from different IP addresses but […]

Back in action…

I haven’t been writing for the past few days partly because I’ve been travelling and partly due to a configuration problem with my blog. All my permalinks and friendly URLs were 404’ing, including my RSS feed. All is fixed again…

My first post…or why a new blog for me

I’ve been blogging in one way or another for a couple of years, but every blog (until this one) has been a place to keep in touch with my friends and family or simply record things that I would otherwise forget about. My first blog was a travelogue, recording every detail about trips I took […]