Monetizing your RSS feed

You may have caught the news yesterday that Yahoo Publisher Network has added support for ads in RSS feeds. If you are a YPN beta user, you can now (in addition to having ads on your blog or site) include ads within your full post RSS feed. This makes me think about the broader question […]

Sites without RSS?

Here is my bold statement: By the end of 2006, all content on the web will be available in a subscribable format (RSS, Atom, whatever). This is both a challenge to the industry and a firm belief that we can make this happen. But then I see this post from Cori Schlegel. He looked at […]

Conferences bring a much needed reminder

I spent all of last week in NYC for two conferences: BlogOn and the Empowering Brands conference. The audience for BlogOn was primarily PR folks and marketers, and the other’s audience was primarily marketers and ad agency folks. The biggest takeaway for me was a reminder of how those of us in silicon valley get […]

NYC conferences: BlogOn and Empowering Brands Conference

I’m heading out to New York for two conferences where I’ll be speaking. The first is BlogOn 2005 on Monday & Tuesday (10/17 & 10/18). I’ve been on their advisory panel and I’m also speaking at a session. Last year’s blog on was a great event, but clearly targeted to the industry types talking to […]

Quote of the week

While reading USA Today yesterday on my plane ride home, I read this great quote in an article about Web 2.0 by Kevin Maney: It had all new buzzwords. Remember “B2B” and “push technology”? Now it’s “user-generated content” and “AJAX”. Until last week I thought AJAX was a cleaning fluid…but no–it’s an acronym for something […]

Reaction to our research

After getting back from all the Web 2.0 hubbub, I’ve finally been able to dig into what people have been saying about the RSS research that my team did. It’s always amazing to see how people pick up on these things and what people focus on. Scoble wrote: Of the big three companies (Google/Microsoft/Yahoo) Yahoo […]

Research: RSS crossing into the Mainstream

My team at Yahoo! recently partnered with Ipsos Insight on research into how many people on the Internet are using RSS (whether or not they know the “RSS” term) and how they are using it. We presented this research at our Web 2.0 party and then posted it online at our Publisher’s Guide to RSS […]

The perfectly timed Web 2.0 Question

This week is the Web 2.0 conference here in San Francisco. My company is a sponsor and my team is holding a small cocktail party on Thursday night to review some great research on consumers and RSS usage. One thing i’ve noticed though, it seems like the conference organizers have realized there’s no better way […]