Mainstream media is far from dead

The power of network TV is still unparalleled online – will it ever be? From time to time, you’ll hear reports of the death of mainstream media. Newspapers are dying, radio is on the way out, network TV ratings have shrunk dramatically etc. In most studies we learn that people are spending more time online […]

Keep Facebook Fun! or No, I won’t be your friend.

After a year or two of “social network fatigue”, a new network is spreading virally again: Facebook. Everyone’s talking about how Facebook is spreading (again) like wildfire. A couple of years ago, it spread through colleges around the US and a staggering majority of college students now have a facebook. Now, the old people are […]

Valleywag and Steve Jobs

It’s amazing to me to note how much Valleywag has become a “must-read”. Almost everyone I know reads Valleywag on a daily basis and even those that won’t admit it later give themselves away with a “I heard that…” quote that came right off of the Valley’s gossip rag. Even more amazing is how often […]

Mark Zuckerburg: You need a new PR rep

Dear Mark, I watch the Today show nearly every day, and I saw you on the Today Show today. A coup I’m sure to get onto America’s #1 morning show being interviewed by Meredith Viera. You even brought your mom and sister in tow. So kudos to your PR team for getting that setup. But […]

Ok, Google Analytics, I take it back

When Google first acquired MeasureMap (and hired Jeffrey Veen), I wrote this post called: Really? Measure Map + Google. Google hasn’t had a great history digesting acquisitions (neither has my company) and I was concerned that Google would screw this up. Also, while I saw potential in MeasureMap, I didn’t think it met the expectations […]

YouTube my back, I’ll YouTube yours

While that video conference last week wasn’t that productive, I did get a chance to meet an interesting entrepreneur who shared a great story with me (and hopefully he doesn’t mind me sharing it here). He runs, a great URL and a community site targeted at–you guessed it–dieters. The site has lots of features, […]

Which conferences / meetups / unconferences should I attend?

As I mentioned, I’m trying to get out more and hit a few more confereces. I see it as a good chance to meet people and maybe learn a thing or two. However, I always find it hard to decide which ones to go to (I’m not one of those perennial conference-goers). So far, I’m […]

New Year’s Resolution? Feedburner’s new site stats

Ok, so I’ve fallen off the blogging bandwagon. One of my New Year’s Resolutions (apart from losing weight, visiting my mom & dad more, spending more quality time at home) is to blog again. Since I took my new job, I’ve really stopped writing and I want to fix that. I’ve got a lot of […]

Open Hack Day & Beck

Originally uploaded by bitmapr. So hack day is on and I definately felt that spirit in the air. After a day of amazing sessions about our APIs and UI framework, everyone gathered in URLs (our cafe) to have pizza, meet each other and start hacking. I met lots of interesting people and the place was […]

The Spirit of Hack Day

Two weeks ago, Yahoo held its quarterly internal hack day. Today Yahoo! holds its first Open Hack Day. The first I ever heard about a hack day was from Ken and the Jotspot guys. They had a hack day to have some fun and work on something that wasn’t on their normal “to-do list”. It […]