In Bangalore India

Yahoo!’s Bangalore Office on MG Road Originally uploaded by sgatz. One of the perks of my new job is working with an amazing team of developers that live and work in Bangalore, India. So, for the first time ever, I’ve traveled to Asia, I stopped in Singapore and I’m now in Bangalore. Yahoo has a […]

Search Engine Optimization Sucks!

Two weeks ago, as part of my “Living the Customer” post, I promised that I’d be talking about how search engine optimization sucks (from the perspective of the small website owner). As fate would have it, Jeff Weiner, SVP of Search at Yahoo! just spoke at PC Forum and gave the perfect quote: “Search is […]

Speaking at SVAMA tonight

Josh Grossnickle (Director of Research at Yahoo), Todd Board (Ipsos), Charlene Li (Forrester) and I will be speaking at tonight’s Silicon Valley American Marketing Association tonight. More details are available here: at the SVAMA website. This is an open event (anyone can attend) although there is a fee for non-members. If you are there tonight, […]

Living the customer

For almost as long as I’ve worked in product management, I’ve always appreciated getting a true feel for a user’s problem by living in their shoes. One of my first PM jobs was at Reuters working on a system for doctor’s offices. I wanted to get a real feel of what a doctor and his/her […]

Really? Measure Map + Google

I’ve known for a while that MeasureMap was on the market and looking for a good home and now they’ve gone to google. I was lucky enough to meet the team there and get a very early alpha account to use on this very blog. It’s a beautiful product that demos well. Nice visual design, […]

My Syndicate 2005 Presentation

At last week’s Syndicate conference, I got the chance to give a lunchtime keynote in front of about 200-300 attendees (its hard to count while you are presenting 😉 ). I walked through the work my team has been doing around RSS, gave a demo of the new Yahoo! Mail beta, and talked a little […]

Last Night’s RSS Marketing Industry “Roundtable”

Last night I was invited to attend a dinner to discuss issues that marketers and aggregators are facing as people are beginning to use RSS as a marketing channel. People in traditional email marketing businesses are asking how they can deliver “One-to-one marketing” via RSS – that is, how can they track and target individuals […]

Off to Syndicate

This week is the Syndicate Conference in San Francisco.   When I went to the first Syndicate in May in NYC, I was floored at the idea that there would even be a whole conference dedicated to content syndication/RSS.   When we started working on RSS here, Dave Winer had just launched RSS 2.0 we weren’t sure […]

RSS Alerts

Yesterday, we put out TWO new products.    One was the much blogged about/talked about RSS Reader in the new Yahoo! Mail.    The other, was the ability to get IM, SMS or Email alerts to any RSS Feed out there.   We call it Feed/Blog Alerts and its live now on If you have never used […]

Yahoo Mail’s full post RSS reader

As you can probably guess, I’m a big fan of My Yahoo! And use it as the primary way I keep up with RSS feeds and all sorts of other content. I love it because I can quickly see all my news at a glance in a format of my own choosing. And lots of […]