Writing on media, tech, entrepreneurship and products.

This is my old blog which I don't really update much anymore. I do love paging through the old archives, perhaps you will too.

Quick DHTML/js/CSS help needed

I’m working on a launch for my new business, and while I’ve managed to do all the work myself, from time to time I get stuck and need help. In these times I’ve often turned to Craigslist for a quicky expert. However, in this case, I’m stuck on something relatively small that I know someone […]

What’s up with Scott?

The last four months since I left Yahoo have been amazing, largely because I threw all my plans out the window and just allowed myself to enjoy the time instead of adding pressure to accomplish something. And the results have been great. So what have I been doing for the last four months? I got […]

Mainstream media is far from dead

The power of network TV is still unparalleled online – will it ever be? From time to time, you’ll hear reports of the death of mainstream media. Newspapers are dying, radio is on the way out, network TV ratings have shrunk dramatically etc. In most studies we learn that people are spending more time online […]

What happens when you design a product for everyone…

When you build a product, these are exactly the comments you hope to read: “Mind blowing!”, “wow”, “great”, “soooooo addicting”. When you are building any product, take a little effort up front to think of the different kinds of users – it is likely to pay off in surprising ways. Those comments where made about […]

Yahoo! Live from my (former) team

When I left Yahoo!, I mentioned that there were still two products from my team in development: Fire Eagle (still not launched) and an unnamed other one. Well, my team launched Yahoo! Live today. Yahoo! Live allows anyone to stream their own live channel. If YouTube is what happened (past tense), Live is what’s happening […]

Technology should be like film editing

Bill Scott, a former coworker and web development rockstar, has a great blog post “Virtual Pizza Pie Chart: High Tech Chartjunk” about when a chart design/technology itself becomes the star – instead of the data. He shows a horrid example from CNN: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6CTyOWTcCA&rel=1] Bill says: What I love is how the technology completely takes […]

Chase Bank doesn’t want to not spam me

So I’m a very loyal Chase Bank customer, and I have been for over 15 years. I like them 1000x better then the west coast banks like BofA and Wells Fargo that charge fees to me where they bear no / very little cost. Don’t get me started about how BoFA charges me $3/transaction for […]

Life After Yahoo!: Preface

After almost 10 years leading product teams at Yahoo, I’m moving on. I’ve been thinking for a while that I wanted to take some time off and press the “reset button” on my brain, but it has been a grueling coming to a final decision. And its complicated by the fact that I really love […]

New Yahoo! Shortcuts plugin

One of my favorite features of Yahoo! Mail is that little hover that shows a map when you mouseover an address. There are bunch of those actions and in most cases they make Mail more useful. Now there’s a way to add those things to your blog. The new Yahoo! Shortcuts plugin for wordpress helps […]

Where yahoo is developing a voice…

I’ve been delinquent in blogging about the new Next* blog (at next.yahoo.com). It’s a place to launch new interesting yahoo projects that aren’t big enough or “official” enough to get a press release or a corporate blog mention. It’s also a place for things that would otherwise fall through the cracks (not quite a fit […]