15th Anniversary of 9/11

Fifteen years ago our phone rang, our friend Amanda told us to turn on the TV. The buildings where I worked exactly two years prior were engulfed in flame and smoke. I tried in vain to call my former coworkers. I learned the next day that they had an early conference call that AM that they […]

Review: San Francisco Summer Camps for 6 year olds

So the summer is finally over and our son is off to first grade.  We ended up going to a number of different camps and all were good but some were big hits. JCC Cosmo Kids – We did two weeks of this and they were “just OK”.  They didn’t seem to be as organized […]

San Francisco Summer Camps for 6-7 year olds

We’re just beginning the process of looking for Summer Camps for our Kindergartener.  This is just a post where I can keep track of my notes on potential programs. Tinkering School Tree Frog Treks Camp Edmo: K-1, 2-4, 5-8 Lots of different camps Note: Kids playing in JK park seemed a bit out of control […]

Every feature has some maintenance cost, and having fewer features lets us focus on the ones we care about and make sure they work very well. David Karp via Startup Quote

“As a startup CEO, I slept like a baby. I woke up every two hours & cried.” Made me laugh today: Ben Horowitz

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